Monday, September 19, 2016

25th Sunday of the year- Luke 16:1-13

25th Sunday
Luke 16:1-13

Last Sunday's gospel visited the parable of what is popularly called,  the 'prodigal son' .  This Sunday's gospel gives us an understanding of the 'prodigal manager or steward' .  Prodigal simply means wasteful or extravagant.  Last Sunday the prodigal son 'squandered his father's property( Luke 15:13) and this week the prodigal manager also squanders his masters property (Luke 16: 1); property given by his master to be administered for the good of others.

Both parables are merely illustrations.  They are presented to bring out a greater truth.  A parable is merely a vehicle to communicate a greater truth and that truth presented in this case, is in verse 13 of this Sunday's pericope ; "you can't  serve God and money".

Let's look at the parable (verse 1 - 7). A manager or steward is charged with squandering his masters money.  It's obvious that the stewards misappropriations were public knowledge because when he was hauled before his master (verse 2) he was neither given a listening ear nor does he offer any defense. This leads the  already aged manager who could not work (verse 3-b) and was too proud to beg,  to hit upon an equally shrewd and devious plan for his future.  His plan was to ensure that he would be 'insured' and he does this by winning over his masters debtors.  Two things are at times both, subtly and clearly stated in this periscope; that his master was super rich (even though verse one says he was rich) and that the debtors were several, though the Bible mentions only two.

Let's take the debtors first. Scripture tells us that he 'summoned them one by one'  yet scripture mentions only two debtors.  Perhaps these two were only examples to suggest the nature and quantity of the 'insurance'  that the wicked manager was looking at.  The words, ' one by one indicates that there were several',  but two serve as an example of the volume of this crooked insurance plan of the manager.

Verses 6 and 7 tell us of the debts and how super rich the master was.  A hundred jugs of olive oil are re-written as fifty ( fifty percent)  and a hundred containers of wheat were re-written as eighty.  (eight percent).  The reasons for these uneven 'discounts'  become clear when one understands that a hundred jugs of olive oil amounted to 875 gallons of oil or one thousand dinars, the equivalent of three years labour. One hundred containers of wheat,  on the other hand,  amounted financially,  to much more.  It would be approximately the produce of one hundred acres of cultivation or three thousand dinari or eight to ten years of labour. Surely the master was super rich!

From oil to wheat to God knows what,  the shrewd manager had insured his future and a welcome into the homes of all these merchants, now that he was kicked out of his employment.  The reaction of the master is confusing.  In all the previous parables,  such dishonesty  on the part of a steward would find him in the dungeons with the torturers.  Not here!  Why?  Remember that parables are told to drive home a point  and Jesus now lays down four points culminating in his focus point in verse 13.

In verse 8,  Jesus lays out the PROBLEM
In verse 9, he lays out his SOLUTION
In verse 10 to 12 he gives us the INCENTIVES if we use his solution
In verse 13 he sums up this discourse by reveling WHAT IS IN HIS HEART

What's the PROBLEM?  The problem is that the children of light (that's us Christians)  are not passionate about the kingdom of God as compared to the example of the shrewd manager working out his insurance plan in the face of being sacked for cooking the books. That's the problem! Agreed, that  this is not the best comparison  Christ could give us but Jesus brought in  this SHOCK value, to awaken us.  He was using the same stunts that modern media uses to get our attention; shock them!  And shock them he did by juxtaposing the shrewdness  of a dishonest  person so that we may be shocked into being passionate for the good and for the kingdom.  Note that Jesus  does not condone or praise the wicked manager,  he is just highlighting how shrewd the dishonest  sons of this world are as compared to the children of light.

What's Jesus' solution? (verse 9).  Jesus echoes similar  words of the dishonest manager in verse 4 when he says,  " makes friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth so that when It is gone,  they may welcome you into the eternal  homes".  His solution to our ill-gotten wealth and lack of our enthusiasm for the kingdom is that we too should then at least have some insurance plan for heaven.  Jesus is suggesting that, if nothing else,  like the dishonest manager we too should make friends with the poor and share this Ill  gotten gain with them so that when we die it will  be the poor who will welcome us to heaven.  Such thought was not strange to the Jews for among their beliefs was a saying which stated that ' the rich help the poor in this world but the poor help the rich in the world to come'.  Jesus is shocking us again with his solution and must have certainly got his hearers attention.  If nothing else,  collect some brownie points for heaven, for there is a pie in the sky when you die!

In verse 10 to 12 Jesus gives us the INCENTIVES if we use his solution. He is calling us to be faithful stewards of his kingdom.  Remember there is a difference between a thief,  a selfish person and a steward.  A thief says what is yours is mine. A selfish person says what is mine is mine but a steward says what is mine is not mine,  it is HIS ( the masters) to be used for others.  Jesus' grouse is that we are stewards that have not used talents and strengths, loaned to us,  for the purpose of building up HIS  kingdom and the betterment of others.  We have not been good stewards, period!  So the solution is to be faithful with and faithful in little things.  To be honest in little things,  be stewards working for the master,  using HIS given talents to us,  for the good of others.

Finally in verse 13, he sums up this discourse by reveling WHAT IS IN HIS HEART.  You can't serve God and wealth just as a slave can't love two masters; for a slave was meant  by their very nature to be devoted to one master.  It was unthinkable, even as a concept, to have a slave serve two masters. So, if such a belief was  part of the listeners consciousness, how much more should  their conviction be  in not being able to serve God and wealth? If the love of  wealth has take  us away from our stewardship then we, like the wicked manager, will also be sacked.  That we too, like the wicked manager,  will end up making shady deals to insure our future,  deals perhaps with the devil himself. Through a process of using the most controversial examples,  Christ is shocking us into consciousness,  into living for his kingdom, into making a choice for his kingdom,  into using his talents loaned to us,  for the use of his kingdom.  He is the king,  the master,  we are the stewards.

But there is something else that we are being warned about and that is, faithfulness to all things  big or small.  In order  to be enthusiastic for his kingdom,  in order for us to work as his stewards, we MUST be faithful.  We can't delude our selves into believing that 'little' ( verse 10)sins or our 'little' dishonesties are overlooked by God.  He is calling for total fidelity,  total honesty,  total commitment to his kingdom.

Interestingly,  Jesus is not calling us to abandon money.  The translation of 'he will HATE  the one (master) and love the other,  in verse 13 must be seen in light of the translation of the word ' hate',  which is also seen in Luke 14:25 where the cost of discipleship is laid down as HATING mother and father. The translation of this word, hate  is, 'to love less'.  Christ acknowledges the need for money but not for wealth especially Ill gotten one! His point is clear,  if you love God then you must love wealth less and that will help you be a good steward,  focused on building  the kingdom God.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

To curse the darkness or be the light ?

Here I am sitting through one more LACC meeting of ward 97.

A couple of years ago the Municipal Commissioner mandated the formation of Local Area Concerned Citizen meeting (LACC). At the heart of this initiative, lies the clear intention to shift the darbars of old to the door step of the common man. Gone are the days when you would have to run to the local ward officer, hands folded and their palms greased. The municipal babus and the corporators are now a feature in your community, paper work and all. The corridors of power seem to have shifted to 81 A Chapel Road ( that’s where the LACC meetings are held) .

But before you clink in celebration to cups of chai and party on a couple of wada pavs, know this; In Mumbai, to the best of my knowledge, we have only three corporators who have take the initiative to set up these peoples darbars ( ward 95,96, 97). So much for really caring for the needs of those they passionately wish to serve ( or so they want us to believe at election time)

But let’s not be ungrateful, at least we in Bandra, whose municipal wards fall in this area have reason to raise our collars. Before you think that municipal corporators of these wards exercise their conscience, much less their hearts, let’s give the real applause to the residents of Bandra and in particular to the activists. Now I know what you are thinking, does Bandra have some flag waving, glass breaking half crazed citizens? Not at all....imagine a room of sixty plus citizens, not numbering more than a total of twenty at each LACC meeting, each of them with a quiet but firm voice. They roll up the astuteness of a Financial CEO, the argumentative skills of a lawyer and heart of a grandparent. And fight for Bandra they do.
But thanks to these LACC meetings and the wonderful activists in Bandra so much of muck has moved out of our drains. Our garbage is cleared, children and senior citizens have pavements to walk; hawkers are now running rather than ruling the roads, health and sanitation is improving, drains are being cleared and so much more. But we have miles to go and promises to keep.
In the meanwhile I am blessed to have interacted with so many activists who live the message of Gandhi, ‘be the change you want to see’. There are way too many people in this city who curse the darkness; for God sake go buy yourself a candle.

LACC meetings are held at St Aloysius School, 81 A Chapel Road, Next to leelavati hospital on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 11 am for ward 97 and on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at St Andrews School at 11 am for ward 96

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Finding joy in serving

Its strange how the city continues to believe that people from the suburb of Bandra live with their nose up. So strong is this belief that a mall situated close to the railway station actually ran a ad campaign depicting a lady with her nose pinched to a clothes line in an effort to have the 'nose in the air' look. But that's not Bandra and that certainly not how her people are.
Across Bandra, during the summer, catholic churches open their doors to children. The traditional summer club draws children of all ages to a month long period of indoor and outdoor games, crafts and arts, field trips and picnics, and yes even learning the faith.
But all this activity is driven by young people who willingly spend their time planning and executing these summer clubs. They who received the joy of being participants in these clubs, as children themselves, now give back to the community.
This morning, I walked into the club, and to my joy discovered that every child had some one with them, no one was alone. Most of them were busy playing with their peers, and those that were finding their way into this world of new friends; had for the time being, the youth, who kept them entertained. They read to them, played indoor games with them, worked on puzzles together,or simply chucked a ball around some just hugged the children.
So cheers to you guys, Mandy, Judy, Andre, Alvin, Val, Krysin, Keith, Rixon, Ryan, Rohan, Leon, Elton, Farah, Ian, Tanya, Abigail, Lizann, Crysantha, Clinton, Dixon.